What About the Dog?
The question that does not require an answer as much as it inspires our humanity.

The story that launched an exploration that would become The Liminal Odyssey 40 years later. Chapter One is the first of 12 synchronistic experiences that begged a question we will be asking until we evolve as humanity.

It all started with a chant at a no-nukes rally in 1982.
I could not un-hear that a dog had been locked in a car in the parking lot of the Peace Sunday "We Have A Dream" festival on a hot summer day.
"What about the dog?" The chant caught on with the 100,000 attendees and lasted nearly the entire day until dusk. (For more about this story read The Liminal Odyssey.)
Whatever the dog means to you, we can all agree that while a critical mass of impressionable festival attendees may have come for nuclear nonproliferation and a lot of rock "n" roll, we all saw ourselves in the humanity of the dog in the face of man's quest for power.
Ask the question over and over again until we can all be sure the dog is fine for all.