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The Liminal Odyssey

The Alchemical Power of  The Spaces In-Between

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The Book | The Philosophy | The Adventure of Your Life

A memoir of mystically-practical tools to alchemize your life and find the miraculous in the mundane.

The Liminal Odyssey has been called "A genre onto itself." A relatable spiritual memoir that elevates lessons learned and power-full methodologies that together create their own coherence with alchemical force. 

"Liminal" means threshold, and we find thresholds all day long if we have the eyes to see. Thresholds are not just a transitionary place, they are opportunities for discovery, awareness, and choice. 

We are at a fascinating place now in the history of the human experience, at the threshold of the next paradigm place. By all measures, our world is changing, and this requires us all to be prepared by building capacity to contribute to its ease.


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